In Haggai chapter 1, the Lord God spoke to His people and told them that “It Is Time” to rebuild the temple of God. Likewise, in 2025 as we celebrate the wonderful way that God has used and blessed TCCC over the past 50 years, “It Is Time” for us to pray, to serve and to give for the repair and renovation of our church building. We pray that R&R will go beyond “Repair and Renovate” for the church building and to become a time of “Renewal and Revival” for our congregations.
If you have experienced God’s abundant blessings over the years and you consider TCCC as your spiritual home, please join us in Praying, Serving and Giving for this R&R project.
一起禱告 ● 事奉 ● 奉獻
在哈該書第 1 章中,神對祂的子民說話,告訴他們「現在」是重建上帝聖殿的時候了。同樣,在 2025 年,當我們慶祝神在過去 50 年裏以奇妙的方式使用和祝福多倫多華人基督教會時,「現在」是為我們教堂建築物的維修和翻新獻上我們的「禱告、事奉及奉獻」的時候了。我們求主帶領維修翻新團隊,超越單單為教堂建築物「維修與翻新」,而成為我們所有人靈內的「更新與復興」時期。
TCCC R&R Prayer Campaign
Click on the link below to sign up to pray
Prayer Signup 祈禱登記Pledge and Donation Progress
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Pledge Form 認獻R&R Project Updates
The church is in need of many repairs and here are the items that require urgent attention. These are:
Roof Replacement
Will take care of water leakage issues
Front Entrances
Door replacement with wave motion door openers.
更換前大門, 並裝置無觸摸自動開門器。
External Wall Replacement
Water leakage marks are very apparent and noticeable.
外牆漏水,痕跡顯明, 急需更換。
Roof Top Unit (RTU) Replacement
The replacement will resolve HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) issues and help regulate the air temperatures throughout the church.
因應解決暖氣, 通風和空調問題, 並有助於調節整座教會的氣溫, 屋頂裝置必須更換 。
Sanctuary Light Upgrade
Conversion to LED lights will substantially help with energy conservation.
為大大有助於節約能源, 教會禮堂全面改用發光二極體(LED) 燈泡。
Exterior Walkway Areas
Replace and repair all front entrance walkway areas and entrance ways; improve underground drainage to resolve water leakage issues and repair water damaged areas in the basement.
Check Out Our Recent R&R Updates
Last Updated 更新日期: January 26th, 2025
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Frequently Asked Questions • 常見問題
Why did the repairs accumulate so much over the years and why were adequate funds not provisioned for? What will we do differently in the future?
As the building is getting aged and is having more and more items need to be replaced and repaired. Indeed, we had replaced the sanctuary’s RTU during the pandemic period and others items are delayed due to insufficient fundings and unavailability of the contractors to look into the plan of how to replace/repair during pandemic. We all realized that during pandemic, all proposed works/jobs were on hold. But lack of regular and consistent maintenance (e.g. the external wall) would contribute to the major reason to get into higher repair costs when it comes. As the new Administrative Manager came onboard, it takes time for him to analysis/review and suggest the plan of maintenance/improvements.
In the future we will try hard to schedule/maintain regular maintenance works in all areas including external wall, basement and other areas. Also, it is suggested to have a fixed amount of building reserved fund allocated every year and will consult with church treasurer for the right figure. Also, hiring back a building superintendent would result in a high level of some regular maintenance repair and renovation works and save money in a long run. (Noted : about 7-8 years ago, we had conducted a building envelope inspection of the entire building to address any area(s) needed to be looked into in terms of repair and renovation. As of now, R&R agrees it is about time to redo the exercise again to review the whole building for an updated picture to guide the R&R right direction to look into repair and renovation matters based on the professional reviews.)
隨著建築物老化,需要更換和修理的物品越來越多。事實上,我們在疫情期間更換了主禮堂的 「冷暖氣屋頂機組」 (RTU),其他項目由於資金不足以及承包商無法於疫情期間更換/維修而被推遲。我們都意識到,在疫情期間,所有擬議的工作/工程都被擱置。由於缺乏定期及持續的修葺(例如外牆),因此引致現在維修成本增加,這是主要因由。我們即將有新任行政經理上任,請給予我們時間來分析/審查,並提出維修/翻新的計劃。
未來,我們將努力安排/維持所有有關教會建築物的定期修護工作,包括外牆、地下室和其他區域。此外,我們亦建議與教會財務主管協商,於每年預算中分配固定足夠的建築儲備金。此外,我們將考慮重新聘請建築主管來提供定期維修和翻新工作,從長遠來看,這可以節省金錢。 (註:於大約 7-8 年前,我們曾對整個建築進行了建築圍護結構檢查,來了解決任何需要維修和翻新項目。截至目前,維修與翻新團隊 (R&R) 同意是時候重新進行建築圍護結構檢查,從而獲得最新情況,並根據專業審查來指導 R&R 正確研究維修和翻新事宜。
What is the process by which the R&R projects were selected and prioritized?
Based on the urgency & need and also within the authorized budget from treasurer. BAS is the one that we are going to implement very soon for we need to get ready for the winter time and replaces our existing non-functional and outdated BAS. The next major item will be the external walkway including the basement water damage repair after R&R team, Administrative Manager and some invited SME were having a site tour in late July and determined that project would be more urgent than external walls ( which needs time to study to replace with stucco vs siding) and sanctuary’s lighting replacement within the budget. If the walkway and basement water damage projects are delayed until 2025, costs will be higher due to increased costs next year and additional costs to mitigate water damage until repairs take place. Replacement of other RTUs will be our next focus but that does need more time/investigation to plan for the engagement of engineers/vendors/contractors and it would likely take months to get done. And for commercial RTU units like what TCCC is having, even ordering the unit will take 2-3 months & work can’t be done in winter time too. So RTUs replacement will be in our 2025 plan.
這是根據該項目的損壞緊急程度和需要,並在財務主管批准的預算範圍內。樓宇自動化冷暖氣系統 (BAS) 是其中一項急需要進行工程,因為我們需要為這冬季做好準備,替換我們現有過時及不能完全運作的 BAS。下一個主要項目將會是外部走廊通道,其中包括修復因滲水損壞的地庫;在去年 7 月底前,R&R 團隊、行政經理和一些受邀的行業專家 (SME) 進行了現場考察,並確定該項目比維修外牆更為緊急(其中需要時間研究是以灰泥維修、或改為使用壁板);以及主禮堂的照明更換等等的財務預算。如果修復外部走廊通道和地庫滲水損壞項目推遲到 2025 年後期,由於成本增加以及為減輕於修復之前滲水的損害而加增的額外費用,整體成本將會更高。更換其他屋頂機組 (RTU) 將是我們再下一步的重點,因這確實需要更多時間來與工程師、供應商、及承包商一起調查及規劃,並且可能需要數月才能完成。而對於好像我們多倫多華人基督教會所擁有的商用 RTU 裝置,訂購也需要 2-3 個月的時間才可付運,且冬季也無法完成安裝工程。因此,RTU 更換將列入我們的 2025 年稍後的計畫中。
What is the process for project tendering and supplier selection?
As the same practice for previous projects like sanctuary’s RTU replacement and Phase II/III projects at Gibson: we do not work on ‘Open’ tender, but only on ‘Closed’ tender. We will invite the vendors (mostly the ones that have worked with us before or referred by someone with good reputations) for the tendering process. In Phase II, we issued CCDC 11 (Contractor Qualification Statement) to pre-screen (with interview) contractor’s qualification. Under normal circumstances, we will have meetings (in person or zoom) to discuss the project with the vendors individually and let the vendors to present what’s their plan about the project. And also, we will ask for any major projects the vendors have accomplished before for our reference. Preliminary timeline will be discussed as well. Then, we will ask the vendors who are interested to bid for the project to participate into the tendering process. Once the tendering Is closed, we will open the bids and rate the vendors under the criteria in terms of cost/experience/safety/reference/financial ability…etc. with an internal rating scale. We then pick the one with highest score to follow up for the confirmation of their desire to work on the project and details about the project plan.
與先前的項目(如,更換主禮堂的 RTU 和 105Gibson 的第二、三期項目)的做法相同,我們不進行「公開」招標,而只進行「密封」招標。我們將邀請有關參與公司(主要是曾經與我們合作過或經其他人推薦信譽良好的參與公司)參與招標過程。在第二階段,我們發布了 CCDC 11(承包商資格聲明),以預先審查(包括面試)承包商的資格。正常情況下,我們會舉行會議(面對面或 Zoom)與參與公司單獨討論項目,並讓參與公司展示他們對項目的計劃。此外,我們也會詢問參與公司以前完成過的任何重大項目,以供參考。當然,項目初步時間表亦會抱括在討論議題中。然後,我們邀請有興趣競標該項目的參與公司參與招標過程。招標結束後,我們將開標,並根據其參與公司所提供的成本、經驗、安全性、過往項目的參考、財務能力…等標準進行以內部評級量表的評級。然後,我們選擇得分最高的參與公司進行跟進,以確認他們參與該項目的意願以及項目計劃的詳細資訊。
Will the offering given for R&R only be used for R&R?
If the offering is marked for R&R in the offering envelope or website, then it will only be used for R&R
不論於實體或是網上奉獻/捐款時已明確標記為用於 R&R(維修翻新),它將僅用於 R&R(維修翻新)項目上。