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The latest news this week for TCCC English Congregation

February 16th, 2025

Facilities and Venue Booking – We are switching to use the Church Center App for church-related facility booking requests. Please submit your request using this link.

All congregation bookings for personal use will be considered a rental and subject to rental fees. For ministry bookings, please clearly indicate the supervising pastor who provides direction and nurturing of this ministry. Please contact your lead pastor if you have any questions concerning the supervising pastor of a ministry.

TCCC R&R Fundraising

In Haggai chapter 1, the Lord God spoke to His people and told them that “It Is Time” to rebuild the temple of God. Likewise, in 2025 as we celebrate the wonderful way that God has used and blessed TCCC over the past 50 years, “It Is Time” for us to pray, to serve and to give for the repair and renovation of our church building. We pray that R&R will go beyond “Repair and Renovate” the church building to become a time of “Renewal and Revival” for our congregations.

If you have experienced God’s abundant blessings over the years and you consider TCCC as your spiritual home, please join us in Praying, Serving and Giving for this R&R project.

Please click the link below to see all the details regarding the R&R project.

Sign up today to pray for this project. We would like to hold a weeklong prayer campaign starting on February 9th, with at least 500 people signed up to pray.

Through prayerful consideration, please commit to giving for this project in 2025 by pledging on our website. God has already provided for a 1:1 matching donor who has committed to match every dollar that we receive in 2025 for the R&R project.

Repair and Renovation

The church building will be closed on Family Day – Monday, February 17th, 2025.

Daycamp will be happening from August 5th to August 15th, 2025. Registration is now full. Click here if you would like your child to be put on the waitlist.

Our next baptism service will be on April 20th, 2025. Please sign up by March 2nd. If you are interested in getting baptized, please fill out the form below.

Sign Up Here

We will be discontinuing our TCCC RightNow Media account by May 31st, 2025.

Pastor Sally will be on maternity leave until February 2026.

A reminder to please complete your registration for the upcoming Sports Ministry events ahead of time. Secure your spot before the event date!

May we pray for open doors and meaningful connections in relationships, that God would provide opportunities to share the gospel with love, wisdom, and boldness.

Mandarin Congregation
The Mandarin Congregation is seeking a pastor. May the Lord bring a pastor after His own heart to shepherd His flock. May the Lord bless the ongoing small group leader training and the ministry of sharing faith with seekers.

Click here for all upcoming events happening this month. 

Upcoming Events

Join us for the TCCC Panama Mission Trip 2025 as we partner with Penonome Chinese Community Church (PCCC) to host a Conversational English Camp for youth aged 13–18, from June 12th–21st. This mission supports outreach, leadership development, and PCCC’s 2025 church expansion efforts. The deadline is February 28th. For details, contact Pastor Sam Hong.

On March 15th, 2025, we will be hosting Dinner and Delight at the 105 Gibson Centre, providing a special dinner for food bank clients. This event offers a peaceful, enjoyable evening for families facing financial hardship. 

We invite volunteers to support in areas like the kitchen, hospitality, children’s activities, and setup/cleanup. If you’re interested in volunteering, please click here to sign up. Groups of 4 or more can contact Johnson Zhong

Volunteer spots are reserved for members of the English Congregation, so we appreciate your understanding and support in making this event meaningful for all.

Our Audio/Visual team is looking for more helpers for English worship service. If you are interested, please contact our Communications Coordinator.

Oasis Cafe is looking for new volunteers to help with after service refreshments. If interested, please contact our Communications Co-ordinator.

Volunteer opportunity for HR Associate to help with HR strategy, policies/process, HR and training. If interested, please email

Have a big heart for building up the next generation and helping them grow in their faith? The Children’s Ministry is in need of volunteers to minister to the children in our church.

If you are interested, please fill out this quick form HERE and you will be contacted shortly after your submission by Pastor Wesley or one of the Children’s Ministry Committee members. Thank you so much!

The church building will be closed today due to inclement weather. We will be having our Sunday worship service online on our YouTube Channel.

Live Stream

There will be no CE classes today.

105 Gibson Centre

Please continue to pray for our Arabic Outreach Ministry led by Ani Hjir at our Centre. She runs a Friendship Kitchen every other week to reach Arabic Muslim women and this past Friday (Feb 14th), she and her team also ran their first children’s program. Please pray that God would continue to touch the lives of these women and children and that seeds can be planted for God’s Spirit to work.

Tax Clinic: Registration for the free tax clinic will begin on February 27th. This tax filing service is available in-person and by appointment only. The tax clinic will run from March 8th to April 27th, every Saturday (9:30AM – 3:00PM), Sunday (1:30 – 4:00PM). Click Here for eligibility and details.

We are hosting a Dental Care Info Session on Saturday, March 8th from 10:30AM – 12:00PM. The session will cover information on the Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program (OSDCP), provide tips on denture care, and a Q&A session with a dental hygienist. The session will be conducted in Cantonese. To register, please call 905-946-8787 or click here.

Our Community Classrooms are now recruiting instructors for various interests and subjects, such as musical instruments, languages, arts, computers, and more. If you are passionate about serving the community and spreading God’s love, contact our Community Program Manager, Noel Leung.

Boonprasert & Boon Har, Vijitrakuls (Thailand, CNEC)
Please pray for Boonprasert and Boon Har’s ministries. Pray for the 28 new kids who attended the Fun Day in December 2024 — that they will keep going to church to know more about Jesus. Also, pray for the 80 people baptized through their outreach program, that their faith will be strengthened and continue to grow. May God bless the missionaries’ efforts for His glory.

Southeast Asia FVT team
Please pray for the Southeast Asia FVT team led by Pastor Haring, currently serving in northern Thailand. They will be visiting nine cities across six countries to share the gospel. Pray for their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, as well as their safety.  May God keep the team united. For updated photos, please visit the ACEM Facebook page.

ACEM Staff Vacation
Ministry Coordinator Christine Yu will be on vacation from February 24th to March 18th, 2025. If you have any urgent matters in mission administration, please contact Administrator Vivian Liu, at (905) 479-2236 x 400.