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Here at TCCC, we believe the Christian faith is not meant to be lived out alone. Small groups is a key part of helping us become the people God intends for us to be. Small groups are a place to anchor in some regular rhythms with a specific group of people who want to work out and walk out their faith together. The relationships built become one of our primary vehicles for discipleship as they walk in their faith journey together.

What are TCCC Small Groups?

TCCC small groups are typically made up of 8-12 adults who worship regularly as part of the English congregation of TCCC. Each group meets at least twice a month to support one another in their discipleship with Christ to bless others in the congregation for God’s kingdom and His glory.

This small groups season will run from September – July. Each group leader will determine meeting dates, times and locations.

What Can I Expect From This Season of Small Groups?

Although there will be different groups with varying demographics and frequency, there are a few elements that will help structure every TCCC small group for the 2024/2025 season.

Every member who signs up for small group considers

  • TCCC their home church,
  • Commits to actively contribute and participate within the small group and
  • Consistently attends small group meetings throughout the term.

Every group will spend time developing relationships to support ongoing discipleship and grow in maturity as a follower of Christ. The meetings and goals of the small group will be determined by the leaders and members together.

How Can I Sign Up?

Our spots are limited every term, please understand if we are not able to put you into a small group immediately.

We also encourage you to join other church events to get connected!

Small Group (2024-2025) Information

Registration for the Small Group 2024-2025 term is now closed.

We would suggest plugging into our fellowships, events, and of course our regular Sunday morning worship gatherings in the meantime, until there are openings or new groups are formed.

If you would like more information about our small groups, please contact our pastoral team.