Our weekly worship gathering is approximately 75 minutes and is meant for those who are 14 and up. This will typically include a live band that leads our congregation in musical worship, interspersed with moments of corporate prayer, reading of scripture and the preaching of God’s word by one of our pastoral staff. Let this be an opportunity for your soul to be renewed, your spirit to be uplifted, and your life to be transformed through your presence and participation in the rhythms of the Gospel.
Some people will raise their hands, while others may not and that’s totally okay! There will be instructions from the worship leader to stand at various times, as a way of reflecting the truth that we worship with our whole being. If you’re visiting, you won’t be singled out to stand on your own, but do feel free to say hi to anybody with a purple lanyard and let them know you’re new before or after the service so they can answer any questions or even connect you with some of our community.