Rev. Wesley Lim
Wesley Lim was born in Hong Kong. Wesley accepted Christ as his Lord and Saviour at the age of fifteen and was baptized in May of 1976. Having worked for six years in the secular world, Wesley, through the prayers of his parents and the encouragement of mature Christian leaders, made his decision to go to full-time studies at Ontario Bible College (OBC) in a joint program with Seneca College. His studies earned him the degree of Bachelor of Religious Education (BRE) from OBC along with a diploma in Early Childhood Education (ECE) from Seneca College.
Wesley has been with TCCC for 27 years with the last 26 years focusing his gifts to work with lay leaders in Children Ministry. His service in TCCC has brought much blessings to him of which one was his wonderfully supportive wife Hung Ling and two blessings of enormous joy to his heart in his teenage daughters Natalie and Courtney. Wesley is a "news" junkie and a movie buff.