Out of the Cold (OOTC)

Out of the Cold (OOTC)


Serving Opportunities in the Community.
TCCC has once again partnered with Mosaic Interfaith to host the 9th year of Out Of the Cold. We are excited to have it being held in the 105 Gibson Centre for 2019, from January 20 to March 31 on Sundays for 11 weeks. The ministry is here to help those who need OUR help, and we need YOUR help to do so. For serving opportunities, please sign up here   or click on the “sign up now” sticky note below. If you have any questions, please contact Johnson via email: jzhong28@hotmail.com.

由本会及Mosaic Interfaith机构共同举办的、致力服务于露宿及有需要者的「寒冬送暖传爱心」活动,将于明年1月20日至3月31日期间的每个周日举行。志愿者请访问tccc.ca注册,咨询请电邮Johnson(jzhong28@hotmail.com)。

由本會及Mosaic Interfaith機構共同舉辦的、致力服務於露宿及有需要者的「寒冬送暖傳愛心」活動,將於明年1月20日至3月31日期間的每個週日舉行。志願者請訪問tccc.ca註冊,諮詢請電郵Johnson(jzhong28@hotmail.com)。

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