Category: Cantonese Bulletin

郭亦章女士宣教基金申請 YCK Mission Fund Applications

教會執委會已通過可於2024年度從「郭亦章女士宣教基金」動用經費$50,000,用以支持本會開展更多宣教事工。請查閱以下申請指引詳情及下載申請表。 申請者請以電郵方式提交(email: ,標題請註明「郭亦章女士宣教基金」,截止日期為2024年2月 29 日。 所有申請將由基金委員會審核甄選,之後提交給教會執委會作最終批核決定。 As approved by TCCC Executive Committee Board, $50,000 from the YCK Mission Fund will be used to support more missions work by TCCC for year 2024. Please refer below for the policy guidelines and the application form. All funding applications to be sent to by February 29, 2024. Applications…
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